2011 SIS-EBSI Career Fair
As you may know, the 2011 SIS-EBSI Career Fair is taking place next week! For the second year, students from Université de Montréal’s École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l’information (EBSI) and McGill University’s School of Information Studies (SIS) will be holding a joint Career Fair.
This will be an exciting opportunity for employers to meet enthusiastic and talented students from the Master of Library and Information Studies (MLIS) programs. The 2011 EBSI-SIS Career Fair will be a major networking event during which future graduates and potential employers will have a chance to discuss employment possibilities.
If you want to take part in this great event, prepared by students from SIS and Université de Montréal’s École de bibliothéconomie et sciences de l’information, YOU MUST complete the form on our website (http://ebsi-sis-en.weebly.com/registration—students.html) before March 11. Students who have not signed up on time won’t be allowed to attend. If you’d like to find out what this Fair is all about, visit http://ebsi-sis-en.weebly.com/ Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us: sis.ebsi.2011@gmail.com This Fair was planned for you, so please try to make the most of this opportunity!
The Organizing Committee is also looking for volunteers to help out the day before and during the Fair. It is a fantastic occasion to meet employers and fellow students! Your commitment would be limited to a 1:30-2:00 period, so you still can enjoy your career day. Please contact us with your availability (on the 16th at night, the morning of the 17th or during the afternoon on the 17th) and if you are bilingual (English/French).
See you at the Fair!
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