Bloggin’ ’bout Blogs

Every once in a while, I’m confronted with just HOW MUCH there is out there on the internet. In SIS, we talk a lot about Information Overload — and sometimes it can get a little boring — but the fact is, Information Overload is a fact. After coming across a Hack Library School post in my Google Reader about Hackers’ favourite library blogs to follow, I thought it might be nice to share it with you all. They’ve also come up with a more extensive list (of over 200! blogs) here.

But first! Every SIS student should definitely sign up for an RSS feed reader. As I mentioned above, I use Google Reader.  And, no, I am not being sponsored by them. But I can’t say enough how great these things are — you’ll just have to see for yourselves. By signing up for Google Reader today! (Little. Yellow. Different.)

Hack Library School is a good place to start if you want to find some neat library blogs across North America. Since I’m ready for the weekend and they’ve already compiled that list above, I think I’ll just send you all over to them. And, hey, did you notice that they won the Salem Press Library Blog Award for Library Blog Newcomer, 2011? Yeah, that’s a thing.

If you want to stay closer to home, McGill Library has its own blog. Lots of McGill Library School alumni have kept up great blogs, including this one and this one. And even though it’s not technically a blog, you should all make sure to make use of the SIS wiki.

Hopping around blogs is pretty fun, so I encourage everyone to do it! You’ll quickly find some good, interesting things to subscribe to that will help you keep informed about libraryland. I also encourage you to talk about some of your favourite library blogs by commenting below.

3 responses to “Bloggin’ ’bout Blogs”

  1. Andrea Black says:

    Ahh, Emily! Don’t get me started on more blogs! I can barely keep up with the ones I’m subscribed to as it is. It’s daunting to come home from a three hour class and find fifty new entries in my RSS feeder. It’s probably time to go through and start weeding my collection. :p

  2. Wayne Pender says:

    Information overload is … a Google Reader that has been contributed to over the first year of an MLIS and not weeded until summer.

    I know … summer is over and I’m just getting my hands dirty in the mess of blogs that I’ve added over the year. But one that I won’t be weeding is this one.

  3. Emily Upper says:

    @Andrea: What are some library blogs that you won’t be weeding? I’m looking for some good ones to follow. To be honest, Hack Library School’s giant list is too much for me right now!

    @Wayne: Glad to hear you’re not sick of this blog yet!

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Blog authors are solely responsible for the content of the blogs listed in the directory. Neither the content of these blogs, nor the links to other web sites, are screened, approved, reviewed or endorsed by McGill University. The text and other material on these blogs are the opinion of the specific author and are not statements of advice, opinion, or information of McGill.