Better Late than Never: An Introduction
August is here and just like every other summer, I now find myself wondering where summer went, when I will ever get accustomed to this humidity, and how I managed to go four months without making a dent in my reading list (Amy Tan’s latest beach read? Check. Cloud Atlas? Not so much).
After a long and well-enjoyed break from SIS, it is now the time of year where we mentally prepare ourselves for school, swap our Birkenstocks for Doc Martins, and get around to finally updating blogs (or is that just me?). My name is Julia Bjerke (MLIS candidate, 2015) and I am happy to be MISSA’s Publications Committee Chairperson this year. While it is my personal goal to post some worthwhile content over the next year, I need your help – and lots of it! Involving SIS students (first-years, second-years, alumni) is the key to making this blog a place where we can share information, network, and help one another get involved in the SIS and greater Information Studies community. Please send any ideas, feedback, and content my way at While I’m thrilled to receive any and all content, I think a great place to start would be hearing about some of your summer job (or intern/volunteer/vacation/staycation) experiences. This was done a few years ago on the blog (check the archives!) and I found it really interesting. So, send away to
See you at the introduction program (I know I’ll be there – I hear there will be some tasty treats!)
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