#6 SIS Kids Are Doing It For Themselves: Meet Bruno!
2. Year: MLIS II
3. Stream: Knowledge Management
4. Hometown: Quebec City
5. What is your favourite book? Fiction: Pretty much anything by Philip K. Dick; Non-fiction: Books about anything that needs fixing in the house. Recently a lot of military histories and biographies about little known units or the other side’s story (Rhodesia, South Africa, Vietnam (Giap), JTF2, US Navy SEALs). But for bathroom reading…
6. Do you own an eReader? If so, is it cool? I did, it was a PanDigital Novel and it was cool for what it was supposed to do. Unfortunately it kept crashing so I returned it. I did set up my old tiltable flat-screen to read the newspaper and stuff on Books 24×7 and ProQuest Safari Online, now that was cool but not really portable (much to the dismay of my wife).
7. If you weren’t in library school, what would you be doing RIGHT NOW? Preparing 400 pages of year-end reports and haggling with other managers for bonuses for my staff…
8. What is your dream job? With so many options in LIS, I’m currently working on it.
9. What is your dream sandwich? Well, my preferred sandwich is the Reuben’s smoked meat sandwich (at Reuben’s corner Peel and Ste-Catherine). Yes, Rueben’s is my favourite smoked meat place, even better than (gasp!) Schwartz’s (ha, ha, no flaming on a survey!).
10. What is your favourite thing about living in Montreal? Where I live (Little Italy), my little family, my kids get to go to bilingual schools, just about everything, else.
11. Living or dead, who would be at your imaginary potlatch? Because you can’t just talk to yourself: Steve Martin, Leslie Nielsen, Philipp K. Dick, Ridley Scott, Noam Chomsky, Michel Foucault, Pierre Bourdieu, Laura Calder (and a couple of other chefs from the FoodNetwork but especially her because, you know…). Because you obviously need music: AC / DC, the Cult, The Tragically Hip, Alice in Chains, Guns’n’Roses, Robert Plant, Led Zeppelin (the original crew), The Eagles, Sting, Jon Spencer Blues Explosion. Because you need drinks: the barmaid at the Asiatik who makes the killer martinis.
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