#21 SIS Kids Are Doing It For Themselves: Meet Alex!

1. Name: Alex Amar

2. Year: MLIS II. Or 2011. Or 2012. It depends on what the question means…

3. Stream: Knowledge Management

4. Hometown: Boston. Or Montreal. Or Ottawa. It depends on what you mean by hometown…

5. What is your favourite book? I’m not sure, but I think I’ve memorized-by-osmosis The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark and Inherit The Wind.

6. Do you own an eReader? If so, is it cool? No, which is how I know they are.

7. If you weren’t in library school, what would you be doing RIGHT NOW? Probably eating lunch. Oh, and I’d probably have pursued Communications into a MA… or gone to Law School… or drifted into some kind of media consultation/research or broadcasting in Ottawa.

8. What is your dream job? Pundit. Professor of film studies. Curator of a collection of pulp and B-movies. Something at LEGO. ALL AT ONCE.

… that said, I really like my current job, as a Library Assistant at the Royal Victoria Hospital.

9. What is your dream sandwich? Delicious and emotionally fulfilling. Also, it would probably feature garlic and Morbier.

10. What is your favourite thing about living in Montreal? The sense of danger in the winter. The soft glow and smell of fresh-fallen snow. The weird little sub-cities.

11. Living or dead, who would be at your imaginary potlatch? 2000 CHOM L’Esprit winners Pigeon-Hole, Patrick Stewart, my high school debating coaches, Dan Harmon, Grant Naylor, Nick Offerman, John Woo, Stan Lee, Allie Brosh, Nick Cave, Randall Munroe, and friends from SIS.

#20 SIS Kids Are Doing It For Themselves: Meet Veronica!

1. Name:
 Veronica Ramshaw

2. Year: MLIS I

3. Stream: Librarianship

4. Hometown: Guelph, ON

5. What is your favourite book?
 My favourite book of all time is Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. However, I have quite a love for pretty much anything written by Douglas Adams, and Jane Eyre wins out in the category of Classics.

6. Do you own an eReader? If so, is it cool?
 I have an iPad app with a few too many eReader apps… Kindle, Stanza, iBooks… and so far, all the books I’ve got on it are ones I also own. I’m actually reading Game of Thrones in hard copy and on my iPad right now, reading from one when I don’t have the other.

7. If you weren’t in library school, what would you be doing RIGHT NOW? I would still be trying to find work in film production in Montreal. It’s notoriously difficult to get your foot in the door of the film production industry, and all my networking would help in Toronto or maybe even LA, but not here.

8. What is your dream job? My Dream Job would be film and media librarian/archivist at the NFB, a film company or with a tv network.

9. What is your dream sandwich? I have been eating so many of La Prep’s Chicken Pesto sandwiches you’d think that was my dream sandwich! But no, I’m not very adventurous when it comes to sandwich making (pasta making on the other hand…) so my dream sandwich is really just a good tuna melt.

10. What is your favourite thing about living in Montreal? History so old it’s practically palpable. Not exactly a feeling you get in Guelph or Toronto… also, I love living somewhere that actually gives me an opportunity to use my french on a regular basis!

11. Living or dead, who would be at your imaginary potlatch? Terry Pratchet, Neil Gaiman, Douglas Adams, Freddie Mercury, Joss Whedon, my fiance and both of our families.

Also, check out my blog!

#19 SIS Kids Are Doing It For Themselves: Meet Katharine!

1. Name:
 Katherine van der Linden

2. Year: 

3. Stream: 

4. Hometown: Ottawa

5. What is your favourite book?
That’s a tough question…the one I read when I need to cheer up is Diana Wynne Jones’ book Conrad’s Fate. For the best book I’ve ever read, it’s a tie between  Mountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer,  A Man Who Would Cure the World by Tracey Kidder and Three Day Road by Joseph Boyden.

6. Do you own an eReader? If so, is it cool?
 No, but I keep entering contests which offer one as a prize in the hopes that I will win eventually. I’m convinced that if I spend my own money to buy one I will lose or break it, so it’s safer to stick to paper.

7. If you weren’t in library school, what would you be doing RIGHT NOW? Most likely I would be touching up my resume. There aren’t too many positions out there for recent graduates with an undergrad degree in international development…

8. What is your dream job? I wanted to be a Canada Parks Ranger up until the point where I realized I hate bugs (especially mosquitoes) and get cold every time the temperature dips below 15 degrees Celsius. My current dream is to be a librarian in a rural area in Canada or in the developing world or to work overseas.

9. What is your dream sandwich? I enjoy most sandwiches, but right now I’m craving a Panini BLT like the one I had at the Atwater Market a few weeks ago.

10. What is your favourite thing about living in Montreal? The bike paths and the multiculturalism. I love counting the number of languages I hear while I’m out running errands.

11. Living or dead, who would be at your imaginary potlatch? All my friends and most of my family, Rick Mercer, John Cleese, Rowan Atkinson, Terry Pratchett, and Matt Smith. It would make an amazingly funny party!

#18 SIS Kids Are Doing It For Themselves: Meet Marie-Eve!

1. Name:
 Marie-Eve Barrette

2. Year: 

3. Stream: 

4. Hometown: Châteauguay, QC

5. What is your favourite book?
Tigana by Guy Gavriel Kayor Elisabeth Vonarburg’s Chronique du pays des mères if I get to choose a series and not just one book.

6. Do you own an eReader? If so, is it cool?
 Nope. I love the feel and smell of used books too much

7. If you weren’t in library school, what would you be doing RIGHT NOW? Having a life. But most likely still doing laundry…

8. What is your dream job? 
In a middle of nowhere, collecting data on an endangered language and trying to get killed or arrested/banned from the country.

9. What is your dream sandwich?Ice cream!!!!

10. What is your favourite thing about living in Montreal? 
The parks and not needing a car to get everywhere.

11. Living or dead, who would be at your imaginary potlatch? I seriously don’t know. But it would definitely include John Frusciante.

#17 SIS Kids Are Doing It For Themselves: Meet Meg!

1. Name: Meg Gray

2. Year: It’s currently 2011

3. Stream: KM with a side of librarianship

4. Hometown: Vacationland

5. What is your favourite book? Hmm…I don’t really have a favorite. Margaret Atwood’s Cat’s Eye is the only book over 20 pages long that I’ve read three times. You can borrow it from me if you want.

6. Do you own an eReader? If so, is it cool?  I don’t own an eReader, but I do have a Talk Boy in my Dad’s basement.

7. If you weren’t in library school, what would you be doing RIGHT NOW? I certainly wouldn’t be procrastinating on a Sunday afternoon. I’d probably be riding my bike and picking apples.

8. What is your dream job?  It changes from day to day, but I what I really want is to look forward to going to work in the morning (or at least not dread it) and feel like I’m doing good. Ideally, I would work in an urban environment Sept-May and then I would spend the summers on the Maine coast where I would have an art studio and an amazing garden. I would make beer and jam and have lots of outdoor dinner parties.

9. What is your dream sandwich? California BLT.

10. What is your favourite thing about living in Montreal? Getting carded every time I try to buy alcohol. Oh, and I love the people, the food, the dramatic seasons and how casual the population is about their late night gravy consumption.

11. Living or dead, who would be at your imaginary potlatch? (This is a weird question, Emily. How in the heck did you come up with this?) Alice Waters, Julia Child, John Waters, Ira Glass, my 11th grade English teacher, Dr. Fred Jones, Wayne and Garth.  We’d have a picnic and play duck, duck, goose.

#16 SIS Kids Are Doing It For Themselves: Meet Christine!

1. Name: Christine Smith

2. Year: MLIS I

3. Stream: Librarianship

4. Hometown: Connecticut

5. What is your favourite book? Bad Monkeys by Matt Ruff; Cinder Edna by Ellen Jackson

6. Do you own an eReader? If so, is it cool? I wish! Not that it would replace my books, but it would be a fun gadget to try out.

7. If you weren’t in library school, what would you be doing RIGHT NOW? Studying and/or working.

8. What is your dream job? Something that allows me to use my knowledge and experience to help others, while learning from those I serve.  Something intellectually stimulating that combines technology and interpersonal skills. Something like…a librarian?

9. What is your dream sandwich? Unfortunately, I am not really a huge sandwich fan.  That being said, and after about a day of pondering, I am going to go with a hot lobster roll from Abott’s in Noank, CT (voted “Best in Connecticut!”).

10. What is your favourite thing about living in Montreal? It’s the first big city I’ve lived in! And, it’s bilingual!

11. Living or dead, who would be at your imaginary potlatch? I have a great interest in genealogy, so I would probably invite many relatives (living and dead). That way, I could learn all about their lives from their points of view.

#15 SIS Kids Are Doing It For Themselves: Meet Emma!

1. Name: Emma Lanza (yes my real name is Emily, you can call me that if you want but it would be weird as you are not my mother)

2. Year: MLIS part-timer year II

3. Stream: Librarianship

4. Hometown: Montreal

5. What is your favourite book? Tie between The Lord of the Rings and Pride & Prejudice (I represent two very distinct types of woman)

6. Do you own an eReader? If so, is it cool? iPad. For. The. Win. (that being said I use it mainly for note-taking and scrabble playing, but the Vanity Fair subscription is pretty cool)

7. If you weren’t in library school, what would you be doing RIGHT NOW? Still working at McGill, but in my old job. Writing profusely grateful letters to rich people from the Principal.

8. What is your dream job? TONY Award winning Broadway star

9. What is your dream sandwich? I dislike cold food, so I would go with a nice grilled cheese with …… wait for it…… bacon.

10. What is your favourite thing about living in Montreal? My family. (Awwwwwwwwwwwww)

11. Living or dead, who would be at your imaginary potlatch? Stephen Sondheim, Hugh Jackman, Colin Firth AS Mr. Darcy, Jon Stewart, Katharine Hepburn, Kristin Chenoweth and Buffy the Vampire Slayer

#14 SIS Kids Are Doing It For Themselves: Meet Kylie!

1. Name: Kylie Szymesko

2. Year: First

3. Stream: Knowledge Management

4. Hometown: Winnipeg, Manitoba

5. What is your favourite book? This generally changes every few years, but right now it’s a tight tie between ‘House of Leaves’ by Mark Z. Danielewski and ‘Come, Thou Tortoise’ by Jessica Grant. Both of which I believe everyone should read!

6. Do you own an eReader? If so, is it cool?  No, maybe someday. I just really love being able to show off my books on a shelf. Sadly, said books are back in Winnipeg.

7. If you weren’t in library school, what would you be doing RIGHT NOW?  I would have stayed in the Winnipeg Public Library system and moved up the employment ladder until the point where I would no longer be promoted due to the lack of an MLIS. And traveling the world on the side.

8. What is your dream job?  Indiana Jones (or whatever his job title is). My Anthropology teachers told me not to aim to be an Anthropologist like him, so now I’m a librarian aiming to be like him.

Second choice; Pokemon Trainer.

9. What is your dream sandwich? Grill cheese and ham. Made from Monterey Jack cheese and bread and ham from my favourite grocery store in Winnipeg.

10. What is your favourite thing about living in Montreal? That all the necessities are within walking distance!

11. Living or dead, who would be at your imaginary potlatch?  Andrew Davies (screenwriter), Aaron Sorkin (screenwriter), and Oscar Wilde. We’d sit around and engage in terribly witty dialogue.

#13 SIS Kids Are Doing It For Themselves: Meet Caroline!

1. Name: Caroline Gerbaulet-Vanasse

2. Year: II

3. Stream: Librarianship

4. Hometown: Chicago, IL

5. What is your favourite book? “Black Beauty” by Anna Sewell

6. Do you own an eReader? If so, is it cool? No, I do not. While I have no problems reading text from a screen, I much prefer reading “real” books.

7. If you weren’t in library school, what would you be doing RIGHT NOW? Hard to say. Maybe I would have been accepted into a Museology program? Perhaps I would have continued to pursue Psychology? I might also have moved to Stockholm, Sweden to work there and assist my grandmother.

8. What is your dream job? Honestly, that’s a murky question for me these days. When I was little I would have listed out things like large-animal veterinarian, illustrator, author, anything with horses… I think… Speaking for myself right now, my dream would be to find a way to combine a few of my passions into one job. Like if there was a way to combine psychology, theatre, and librarianship.

9. What is your dream sandwich? I can’t think of just one. But right now I’m dreaming of a slice of really fresh bread (white or whole-grain), Nutella generously spread, topped with fresh raspberries and/or strawberries.

10. What is your favourite thing about living in Montreal? The friends I have made here so far.

11. Living or dead, who would be at your imaginary potlatch? First off, I’m relieved to see from earlier participants of this survey that I am not the first who has no idea what “potlatch” is. Thankfully I can follow the lead of earlier participants, and can tell you who I would like to invite: Charlie Chaplin, Frank Sinatra, all my favorite living actors and actresses (James McAvoy and Jim Sturgess would both be there, for example), cool animals like Flipper and Lassie and Black Beauty would come too, all my true friends since I was little (and their cute older brothers too), the Phantom (from Phantom of the Opera, poor guy just needs some friends!), and of course I’d like the characters from my favorite books, shows, and movies too. It would be a huge gathering, preferably held (with permission of course) at Rivendell. Book/film/theatre/TV-nerd, and proud of it!

#12 SIS Kids Are Doing If For Themselves: Meet Shanna!

1. Name: Shanna Shadoan

2. Year: First

3. Stream: Librarianship

4. Hometown: Choctaw, Oklahoma

5. What is your favourite book? The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly (if I have to pick only one)

6. Do you own an eReader? If so, is it cool?  I had one, but never used it, so I gave it to my mom.  I like folding corners of pages, and underlining, and notes, and the tactile experience of reading.

7. If you weren’t in library school, what would you be doing RIGHT NOW?  Well, my back-up plans were: llama farmer, hot air balloonist, or mermaid.

8. What is your dream job?  Seriously?  I always thought that being a flower-delivery girl would be awesome, because you get to bring these cheerful messages and make people feel better.  Except that I hate driving.  So, maybe bicycle-floral-delivery-girl?

But then, it’s not very practical, is it? And sometimes I’d have to deliver flowers to funerals, which would be heartbreaking.  So, I’d like to be a Youth Services Librarian, which is pretty much a good-news-sharer, too, right?  Only it’s books instead of flowers that one is sharing.

9. What is your dream sandwich? I love sandwiches! They are my favorite food!  It would be peanut butter with marshmallow fluff and pretzels.

10. What is your favourite thing about living in Montreal?  I love the bike paths and the beautiful parks and the million trillion places to eat and the GIANT McGill library and the fact that the school looks like a castle and all my new friends and my apartment with the colorful walls and the museums and the wide availability of Nutella.

11. Living or dead, who would be at your imaginary potlatch?  I had to look up potlatch. It’s a party, right? A giant, awesome party! Then I want eeeeeeveeeeeeryone there!  Everyone! All of my friends (I’m pretty homesick right now, even if Montreal is awesome) and then a bunch of second-wave feminists (especially Susan Bordo and Judith Butler and Julia Kristeva) and then Jonas Mekas (a filmmaker and champion for people being kind to each other), and Charlie Chaplin (especially him) and Jimmy Stewart, and all of the Muppets.  And lots of cake and a bouncy castle and go-karts. Because wouldn’t Charlie Chaplin and Judith Butler and The Count in a bouncy castle be the best thing ever?

#11 SIS Kids Are Doing It For Themselves: Meet Katarina!

1. Name: Katarina Daniels

2. Year: II

3. Stream: Librarianship

4. Hometown: Montreal

5. What is your favourite book? Pride & Prejudice (I < 3 < 3 < 3 Jane Austen). PS P&P Keira Knightly adaptation = epic fail.

6. Do you own an eReader? If so, is it cool? No, I can’t look at a screen for that long. And I prefer holding books. I’m always worried I’ll drop the eReader because it’s too light/ flimsy.

7. If you weren’t in library school, what would you be doing RIGHT NOW? Law school, if I had gotten my application in on time (though I plan on getting to that soon!) or working at my parents’ travel agency (which I still do, PT)

8. What is your dream job? Working in the McGill Law Library (I think?) or at the McCord Museum. Slash or the Museum of Civilisation if it was in Montreal (< 3 Montreal)! Though I also enjoy working in the travel industry, and getting to take groups around the world 🙂

10. What is your favourite thing about living in Montreal? Hockey season GOHABSGO

9. What is your dream sandwich? Grilled peppers & eggplant with goat cheese. Om nom nom.

11. Living or dead, who would be at your imaginary potlatch? Is it bad that I had to Google “potlatch”? Get ready for a super random potlatch: James Dean, Jane Austen, Eleanor Roosevelt, Grace Kelly, John A. Macdonald, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Jean Beliveau…  did I have a limit?

#10 SIS Kids Are Doing It For Themselves: Meet Nina!

1. Name: Nina Thurlow

2. Year: II

3. Stream: Librarianship

4. Hometown: Saskatoon, SK

5. What is your favourite book? World Without End – Ken Follett

6. Do you own an eReader? If so, is it cool? Yes, I have a Sony e-reader and it’s probably the best gift anyone has ever given to me (THANKS MOM!) I find that I read way more because it’s much more portable than a book and I don’t have to worry about wrecking the pages or anything and I can get the books with very little effort 🙂

7. If you weren’t in library school, what would you be doing RIGHT NOW? I would have just completed a history master’s and would likely be considering library school because I can’t get a job with a history master’s, while bartending.

8. What is your dream job? Liaison Librarian of either History or Special Collections. 6 weeks vacation. No set hours. Weekends OFF!

9. What is your dream sandwich? Reuben.

10. What is your favourite thing about living in Montreal? Food and shopping.

11. Living or dead, who would be at your imaginary potlatch? My dad.

#9 SIS Kids Are Doing It For Themselves: Meet Jacob!

1. Name: Jacob Siefring

2. Year: First

3. Stream: KM

4. Hometown: Beavercreek, Ohio (outside of Dayton)

5. What is your favourite book? Lookout Cartridge (Joseph McElroy) is wonderfully weird, though hard to get through; otherwise, Sebald, Gaddis, Barthelme, Gass (In the Heart of the Heart of the Country) – these authors top my list.

6. Do you own an eReader?  Not yet, but I’m excited about making full use of my extensive list of Project Gutenberg bookmarks (soon). I’ll probably start with Rem Kolhaas by Kleist.

7. If you weren’t in library school, what would you be doing RIGHT NOW?  Teaching, or working on another degree, or obsessively reading; or writing.

8. What is your dream job? Knowledge/content manager; or librarian.

9. What is your dream sandwich? Cucumber – tomato – hummus – falafel.

10. What is your favourite thing about living in Montreal? Urban decay, architecture, our little mountain.

11. Living or dead, who would be at your imaginary potlatch? Molière, Apollinaire, Jacques Brel, Gaston Miron.

#8 SIS Kids Are Doing It For Themselves: Meet David!

1. Name: David Tkach

2. Year: One

3. Stream: Librarianship

4. Hometown: Winnipeg

5. What is your favourite book? It’s changed several times over the years. Age of 10: Books Of Blood, Clive Barker. Age of 15: my subscription to Thrasher. Age of 20: For Whom The Bell Tolls, Ernest Hemingway. Age of 25: War And Peace, Leo Tolstoy. Age of 30: Complete Fictions, Jorge Luis Borges. Honourable Mentions: The Dispossessed, Ursula K. Leguin, If On A Winter’s Night A Traveller, Italo Calvino, and Watership Down, Richard Adams. I still adore all of them (especially the stack of Thrashers). We’ll see what 35 will bring. AACR2? I should also add the book which I have banged my head against for more than a decade and only now have the faintest inkling of understanding (so perhaps ‘favourite’ doesn’t apply): Being And Time, Martin Heidegger.

6. Do you own an eReader? If so, is it cool? No, although I’m looking into purchasing one right now. I have quite a few philosophy books in .pdf format that I’ve avoided reading due to potential back-lit eye strain, so it seems necessary.

7. If you weren’t in library school, what would you be doing RIGHT NOW? Probably teaching philosophy part-time, attempting to conduct research in order to try to secure one of the dwindling handful of positions available in Canada, and simultaneously loving and regretting every minute of it. Hopefully still in Montreal, I might add.

8. What is your dream job? Something that is intellectually stimulating, something that contributes to the promotion and democratic dissemination of human knowledge, and something that permits me to enjoy the occasional pint on the terrasse at Vices et versa.

9. What is your dream sandwich? It exists: the BLT on chiapati at Aux vivres! Or something that gave you super powers.

10. What is your favourite thing about living in Montreal? The summers, the winters (I know it sounds absurd, but it’s so mild compared to Winnipeg!), the fruitful and dynamic tension between Quebec and the ROC, learning French mostly through cultural osmosis, the music scene, especially the punk and hardcore scene which I finally connected with after years of living here, biking all over and realizing how small the island really is, walking down Parc on a Sunday and seeing a half-dozen friends enjoying coffees at various cafes, watching around 80% of Habs games at the same semi-terrible bar on St-Zotique year after year. See also: responses to 8 and 9.

11. Living or dead, who would be at your imaginary potlatch? Carl Sagan, Socrates, Leo Strauss, Martin Heidegger, Blake Schwarzenbach, Ian Mackaye, and Bruce Dickinson. Not sure how well the group conversation would go, but I’d corner each of them in the kitchen in turn.

#7 SIS Kids Are Doing It For Themselves: Meet Sarah!

1. Name: Sarah Macintyre

2. Year:  Second

3. Stream: Librarianship

4. Hometown: Greenfield Park (South Shore!!)

5. What is your favourite book? Mister God, this is Anna

6. Do you own an eReader? If so, is it cool? Not yet, but someday… someday…

7. If you weren’t in library school, what would you be doing RIGHT NOW? Perhaps doing a different master’s degree?

8. What is your dream job? Working a 10am – 4pm day (with an hour for lunch). That’s my goal.

9. What is your dream sandwich? Bocconcini, tomato and pesto – Yum!!

10. What is your favourite thing about living in Montreal? We have awesome festivals all year long.

11. Living or dead, who would be at your imaginary potlatch? The Spice Girls circa 1997.

#6 SIS Kids Are Doing It For Themselves: Meet Bruno!

1. Name: Bruno Therrien

2. Year: MLIS II

3. Stream: Knowledge Management

4. Hometown: Quebec City

5. What is your favourite book? Fiction: Pretty much anything by Philip K. Dick; Non-fiction: Books about anything that needs fixing in the house. Recently a lot of military histories and biographies about little known units or the other side’s story (Rhodesia, South Africa, Vietnam (Giap), JTF2, US Navy SEALs). But for bathroom reading

6. Do you own an eReader? If so, is it cool? I did, it was a PanDigital Novel and it was cool for what it was supposed to do. Unfortunately it kept crashing so I returned it. I did set up my old tiltable flat-screen to read the newspaper and stuff on Books 24×7 and ProQuest Safari Online, now that was cool but not really portable (much to the dismay of my wife).

7. If you weren’t in library school, what would you be doing RIGHT NOW? Preparing 400 pages of year-end reports and haggling with other managers for bonuses for my staff…

8. What is your dream job? With so many options in LIS, I’m currently working on it.

9. What is your dream sandwich? Well, my preferred sandwich is the Reuben’s smoked meat sandwich (at Reuben’s corner Peel and Ste-Catherine). Yes, Rueben’s is my favourite smoked meat place, even better than (gasp!) Schwartz’s (ha, ha, no flaming on a survey!).

10. What is your favourite thing about living in Montreal? Where I live (Little Italy), my little family, my kids get to go to bilingual schools, just about everything, else.

11. Living or dead, who would be at your imaginary potlatch? Because you can’t just talk to yourself: Steve Martin, Leslie Nielsen, Philipp K. Dick, Ridley Scott, Noam Chomsky, Michel Foucault, Pierre Bourdieu, Laura Calder (and a couple of other chefs from the FoodNetwork but especially her because, you know…). Because you obviously need music: AC / DC, the Cult, The Tragically Hip, Alice in Chains, Guns’n’Roses, Robert Plant, Led Zeppelin (the original crew), The Eagles, Sting, Jon Spencer Blues Explosion. Because you need drinks: the barmaid at the Asiatik who makes the killer martinis.

#5 SIS Kids Are Doing It For Themselves: Meet Laura!

1. Name: Laura Thérèse Markiewicz (mar-kyAY-vich)

2. Year: MLIS II

3. Stream: KM

4. Hometown: Walpole, New Hampshire.

5. What is your favourite book? Oh dear, just one!? I’m the kind of person who brings all her books with her when she moves so she can have close, familiar friends at hand.

Growing up I loved the Indian in the Cupboard and Ramona books (and looking at the pictures in knitting and cookbooks at the library). Then I discovered historical fiction and devoured Quest for a Maid and Quo Vadis, as well as books like The Penguin Atlas of Diasporas.

And now due to college and grad school, I find myself rejecting books of a serious nature and just going for humour – Erma Bombeck, David Sedaris, Dave Barry and the Yarn Harlot are my favourite authors.

6. Do you own an eReader? If so, is it cool? No, I don’t.

7. If you weren’t in library school, what would you be doing RIGHT NOW? Still working in customer service at YBP Library Services in Contoocook, NH.

8. What is your dream job? Never leaving academia.

9. What is your dream sandwich? Liverwurst and provolone on a kaiser roll, with pickles on the side.

10. What is your favourite thing about living in Montreal? The fact that it is located in Canada.

11. Living or dead, who would be at your imaginary potlatch? Everyone. The OCD side of me is probably what drove me to into knowledge management in the first place: I’m going to get ALL the information out of EVERYONE so NOTHING is lost, EVER!

#4 SIS Kids Are Doing It For Themselves: Meet Tarquin/Peter!

1. Name: Tarquin Peter Steiner

2. Year: One.

4. Hometown: Louisville.

3. Stream: Archival Studies.

5. What is your favorite book?Let’s Kill Uncle” made me obsessed with making friends with a cougar until I was 15.

6. Do you own an eReader? I do, and it’s great. Completely eliminates book clutter and weight. I once had to pack a trunk full of books onto a pontoon plane headed to Pelican, Alaska, between a garbage bag full of salmon jerky and an unknown squishy plastic thing. Never again.

7. If you weren’t in library school, what would you be doing RIGHT NOW? Probably fishing for halibut in Pelican, Alaska.

8. What is your dream job? Anything where I routinely get to yell “for SCIENCE” shortly before a large explosion.

9. What is your dream sandwich? I once had this sandwich somewhere on the 91 in Vermont that was a whole trucker’s breakfast baked into a Chinese sweet-bun, toast and bacon included.

10. What is your favorite thing about living in Montréal? Nobody judges me when I work in my underwear.

11. Living or dead, who would be at your imaginary potlatch? Doc Emmet Brown, Vincent Price, Guitar Wolf, and Ron Swanson.

#3 SIS Kids Are Doing It For Themselves: Meet Laurel!

1. Name: Laurel Stokes

2. Year: Two

3. Stream: Librarianship

4. Hometown: South Kingstown, Rhode Island

5. What is your favourite book? Pride & Prejudice

6. Do you own an eReader? If so, is it cool? Nope. I keep telling myself that I prefer musty smelling books with dog-eared pages.

7. If you weren’t in library school, what would you be doing RIGHT NOW? I would be writing the next bestselling memoir.

8. What is your dream job? Travel writer.

9. What is your dream sandwich? A grilled sandwich with aged cheddar cheese, tomato, avocado and a lemon basil mayo on rye bread.

10. What is your favourite thing about living in Montreal? 24-hour stores.

11. Living or dead, who would be at your imaginary potlatch? Ernie, Bert & Joseph Gordon Levitt—We’d eat pie.

#2 SIS Kids Are Doing It For Themselves: Meet Valerie!

1. Name: Valerie Medzalabanleth

2. Year: II

3. Stream: Librarianship

4. Hometown: Montreal

5. What is your favourite book? Impossible to say as it changes based on my mood. Today, my since high-school love for the Sandman series has been awakened, so we’ll go with that.

6. Do you own an eReader? If so, is it cool? I do, and it is cool. Now, all my reading whims can be satisfied immediately, so when I stay up until 2:00 to finish a book, I get to start a new one right away.

7. If you weren’t in library school, what would you be doing RIGHT NOW? Probably still editing subtitles. Possibly PhD. Or more literally, I’d be sleeping.

8. What is your dream job? As of this moment, public librarian. I’d love to do collection work.

9. What is your dream sandwich? I am not a sandwich lover, but grilled cheese on nice bread (perhaps a cranberry nut) and old cheddar.

10. What is your favourite thing about living in Montreal? Bagels. [Editor’s note: But from WHERE?]

11. Living or dead, who would be at your imaginary potlatch? I also don’t like potlucks, but I’d love Charles Dickens, Wilkie Collins, Joss Whedon, Neil Gaiman, Katharine Hepburn and Patrick Stewart to start with.

#1 SIS Kids Are Doing It For Themselves

Let’s get to know each other! I think you should fill out the silly SIS Kid Questionnaire above and submit it to emily.upper@mail.mcgill.ca. I’ll post completed questionnaires up on the blog so that we can all get a little more acquainted before having some terrific conversations about libraryland at McGill.

Keep reading to learn a little bit more about me (if you want or whatever).

1. Name: Emily Hendriks Upper

2. Year: MLIS Twosie

3. Stream: Librarianship

4. Hometown: I say Guelph, Ontario, but really, I was born outside of Fergus, Ontario, the home of the Highland Games.

5. What is your favourite book? Dancing With Cats

6. Do you own an eReader? If so, is it cool? No. But if I did, you bet it’d probably be cool.

7. If you weren’t in library school, what would you be doing RIGHT NOW? I would probably be getting my boating licence.

8. What is your dream job? I’d like to author the next great American cat dancing novel.

9. What is your dream sandwich? Salami, lettuce, tomato, and Stensons Mayostard.

10. What is your favourite thing about living in Montreal? Hotties.

11. Living or dead, who would be at your imaginary potlatch? John Hodgman, Keiko the Orca, and Nellie McClung. We’d have pizza and lemonade.

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