#11 SIS Kids Are Doing It For Themselves: Meet Katarina!

1. Name: Katarina Daniels

2. Year: II

3. Stream: Librarianship

4. Hometown: Montreal

5. What is your favourite book? Pride & Prejudice (I < 3 < 3 < 3 Jane Austen). PS P&P Keira Knightly adaptation = epic fail.

6. Do you own an eReader? If so, is it cool? No, I can’t look at a screen for that long. And I prefer holding books. I’m always worried I’ll drop the eReader because it’s too light/ flimsy.

7. If you weren’t in library school, what would you be doing RIGHT NOW? Law school, if I had gotten my application in on time (though I plan on getting to that soon!) or working at my parents’ travel agency (which I still do, PT)

8. What is your dream job? Working in the McGill Law Library (I think?) or at the McCord Museum. Slash or the Museum of Civilisation if it was in Montreal (< 3 Montreal)! Though I also enjoy working in the travel industry, and getting to take groups around the world 🙂

10. What is your favourite thing about living in Montreal? Hockey season GOHABSGO

9. What is your dream sandwich? Grilled peppers & eggplant with goat cheese. Om nom nom.

11. Living or dead, who would be at your imaginary potlatch? Is it bad that I had to Google “potlatch”? Get ready for a super random potlatch: James Dean, Jane Austen, Eleanor Roosevelt, Grace Kelly, John A. Macdonald, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Jean Beliveau…  did I have a limit?

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