#12 SIS Kids Are Doing If For Themselves: Meet Shanna!
2. Year: First
3. Stream: Librarianship
4. Hometown: Choctaw, Oklahoma
5. What is your favourite book? The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly (if I have to pick only one)
6. Do you own an eReader? If so, is it cool? I had one, but never used it, so I gave it to my mom. I like folding corners of pages, and underlining, and notes, and the tactile experience of reading.
7. If you weren’t in library school, what would you be doing RIGHT NOW? Well, my back-up plans were: llama farmer, hot air balloonist, or mermaid.
8. What is your dream job? Seriously? I always thought that being a flower-delivery girl would be awesome, because you get to bring these cheerful messages and make people feel better. Except that I hate driving. So, maybe bicycle-floral-delivery-girl?
But then, it’s not very practical, is it? And sometimes I’d have to deliver flowers to funerals, which would be heartbreaking. So, I’d like to be a Youth Services Librarian, which is pretty much a good-news-sharer, too, right? Only it’s books instead of flowers that one is sharing.
9. What is your dream sandwich? I love sandwiches! They are my favorite food! It would be peanut butter with marshmallow fluff and pretzels.
10. What is your favourite thing about living in Montreal? I love the bike paths and the beautiful parks and the million trillion places to eat and the GIANT McGill library and the fact that the school looks like a castle and all my new friends and my apartment with the colorful walls and the museums and the wide availability of Nutella.
11. Living or dead, who would be at your imaginary potlatch? I had to look up potlatch. It’s a party, right? A giant, awesome party! Then I want eeeeeeveeeeeeryone there! Everyone! All of my friends (I’m pretty homesick right now, even if Montreal is awesome) and then a bunch of second-wave feminists (especially Susan Bordo and Judith Butler and Julia Kristeva) and then Jonas Mekas (a filmmaker and champion for people being kind to each other), and Charlie Chaplin (especially him) and Jimmy Stewart, and all of the Muppets. And lots of cake and a bouncy castle and go-karts. Because wouldn’t Charlie Chaplin and Judith Butler and The Count in a bouncy castle be the best thing ever?
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